(2018) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 99–108
Title of the article Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence: Experience of the Kingdom of Sweden
Doctor of Law, Director, Scientific Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, georgepopov3000@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 3
Pages [99–108]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Today the process of implementation of international standards in the field of prevention and counteraction to gender-based and domestic violence has been initiated in Ukraine. However, the new mechanism for preventing and responding to an extremely negative social phenomenon, such as domestic violence, is at the development stage, which is why the experience of the Kingdom of Sweden is extremely relevant for our country.
The author’s article is an overview.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the main areas of implementation of the provisions of the new national legislation, as well as to introduce a mechanism for preventing and combating domestic violence in Ukraine based on Swedish experience.
The author notes that in the Kingdom of Sweden since 1970’s the attention has been paid to the problem of prevention and counteraction to gender-based and domestic violence. Thus, the first serious step was the introduction in the legislation of the restrictive clause by the relevant Law in 1988. Subsequently, its wording was changed and supplemented with the requirements of society.
The high level of interaction between the police and the prosecutor’s office in the field of prevention and counteraction to offenses committed on a gender basis, as well as domestic violence, has been mentioned.
In addition to a strong legal framework for preventing and combating domestic violence, there is a high level of interaction between state and non-state institutions in this area, an extensive network of institutions supporting the victims of violence, as well as active work in preventing and combating gender and domestic violence of the “Kvinna till Kvinna” Foundation (“Woman for Woman”). It is indicated that the Foundation, with the support of the police of the Kingdom of Sweden, also launched an international training program “Gender Violence: Prevention and Proper Response. Strengthening Agents of Change”.
The component of the counteraction to the mentioned negative social phenomenon, which is the scientific provision of counteracting domestic violence and overcoming its consequences, and also the importance of the work of the National Center for Knowledge of Men’s Violence Against Women (NCK)), based at Uppsala University, is emphasized.
The attention is paid on the methods and procedures that are currently being developed in Sweden and which police, prosecutors, and judges will use in accordance with the new legislation.
As a result of the study, it was concluded that such experience is extremely important for Ukraine, in view of the introduction of amendments and supplements to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which will come into force in January 2019, as well as the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence”.
Keywords gender based violence; domestic violence; violence against women; scientific framework; counteraction.
List of legal documents
1. Act on Violence against Women Government Bill (1997/98 55). URL: (accessed: 03.07.2018) (in English).
2. Pro vnesennia zmin do Kryminalnoho ta Kryminalnoho protsesualnoho kodeksiv Ukrainy z metoiu realizatsii polozhen Konventsii Rady Yevropy pro zapobihannia nasylstvu stosovno zhinok i domashnomu nasylstvu ta borotbu z tsymy yavyshchamy [On Amendments to Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine to implement the provisions of the European Convention on Preventing Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Combating these Phenomenon]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 6 hrudnia 2017 roku № 2227-VIII. URL: (accessed: 03.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
3. Pro zapobihannia ta protydiiu domashnomu nasylstvu [On Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 7 hrudnia 2017 roku № 2229-VIII. URL: (accessed: 03.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
4. Suzan van der Aa and oth, Mapping the Legislation and Assessing the Impact of Protection Orders in the European Member States (Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP) 2015) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
5. ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences’, A/HRC/4/34/Add.3 (2007) (Global Database on Violence against Women) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
6. Kvinna till Kvinna (Official Website) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
7. National Centre for Knowledge on Men’s Violence against Women (NCK) (Official Website) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
8. ‘Restraining Orders in Sweden. An Evaluation of the Law, the New Regulations, Their Implementations and Effects’ (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
9. ‘Country Report 2013. Reality Check on European Services for Women and Children Survivors of Violence. A Right for Protection and Support?’ (Women against Violence Europe, 2014) URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).
10. ‘WAVE Report 2015 on the Role of Specialist Women’s Support Services in Europe’ (Women against Violence Europe, 2015): URL: accessed 3 July 2018 (in English).